Rating: 4.6 out of 5
Paid: Yes
Platform: Udemy
Helping children develop early childhood numeracy skills is essential in setting the foundation for their future math abilities, encompassing logical reasoning, problem-solving, and pattern recognition. The course offered is perfect for any caregiver or educator of young children, with a total of 16 lectures and 60 minutes of content aimed at children from birth to age 8. Key topics explored in this course include stages of early numeracy development, making numeracy a part of everyday life, communication techniques, teaching and learning numeracy for children, numeracy development through storytelling, and do-it-yourself math toys and activities.
Through this course, you will learn about the crucial stages of early numeracy development and the innate numeracy skills children possess. You will be equipped with strategies on how to seamlessly integrate numeracy learning into your daily life, making math enjoyable for both you and your child. The course will also cover supporting your child’s numeracy development during their early school years, emphasizing not only numbers and operations but also patterning, geometry, and measurements. Lastly, you will discover how to use storytelling and create math toys and activities to facilitate numeracy development, allowing your child to build a strong foundation in numeracy skills and cultivating their confidence to succeed in math during their future school years.
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Skills you’ll learn
- Identify and support children’s early numeracy development stages
- Integrate numeracy learning into everyday life and routines
- Facilitate play-based learning at home or in early childhood education settings
- Observe children’s interests and curiosities to guide their learning
- Utilize storytelling to enhance numeracy development
- Create DIY math toys and activities to support hands-on learning
- Apply Universal Design for Learning principles to cater to children’s individual needs
- Employ effective communication techniques to facilitate numeracy learning
Delve into the delightful domain of early childhood education with Mandy Lam’s exceptional course on numeracy and math development. With a series of 16 innovative lessons, this popular offering has already captivated and enlightened 218 young minds, achieving a well-deserved 4.6 out of 5-star rating.
Ready to Take Your Skills to the Next Level?
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from the best in the field.